PIPELINE: Windows: --Run Agisoft to create the point cloud and mesh --export point cloud .obj (see comments below) --export mesh .ply (see comments below) Ubuntu: --Note that Agisoft is also available for Linux --Make sure, that the website template for the Potree project website generation is available at "PotreeConverter/PotreeConverter/resources". Since the potree converter requires a template. The template path is set in the convert_obj2xyz_potree.sh script --Generate website with ./convert_obj2xyz_potree.sh point_cloud_file_without_postfix --Add mesh/annotations/etc. to website (see comments below "Potree structure") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Comments#### EXPORTS: agisoft coords problem (export pcd): --export pointcloud as obj: only pts no normals and local coordinate form! uncheck normals THREE visualization problem (export mesh): --export mesh as ply in agisoft!( default is obj) Potree structure: --ADD ALL STUFF to the main HTML page / check model path, includes etc --potree is only for point clouds --potree can be called in as in java script part of the main html template (see entry below) --meshes have to be independently treated as Potree only considers point clouds (see below) --Everything is visualized with THREE: potree pcds and meshed etc. Run potree website: -- execute "gulp watch" at Potree location (where gulpfile.js is located at Potree location) -- default: this will make all potree projects (at potree location) accessible from localhost -- in order to allow access from outside, open gulpfile.js near line 104: in "connect.server( ... ) set host as, i.e. >> server = connect.server({host:"", port: 1234}); << by default (only localhost access) set >> server = connect.server({port: 1234}); << -- if required copy new potree projects in "potree location" in order to make project accessible -- open potree project via the html file in the potree "location directory" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSITE in IFrame
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEBSITE modifications ################################################################################################################################ MODIFY/REMOVE SLIDEBAR: -- remove classification etc. from website located in bunker_valentin_page_template/libs/potree/sidebar.html ################################################################################################################################ ADD ANNOTATION (shows main part of potree pointcloud init as well): click first on a single point measure in model (of Potree shown in Browser) then add coords to annotation see below: Potree.loadPointCloud("pointclouds/Bunker-1lapse-50m-SpeedManual-Pics2secs-A-GATE_ONLY_mesh_xyz_rgb/cloud.js", "Bunker-1lapse-50m-SpeedManual-Pics2secs-A-GATE_ONLY_mesh_xyz_rgb", e => { let pointcloud = e.pointcloud; let material = pointcloud.material; viewer.scene.addPointCloud(pointcloud); material.pointColorType = Potree.PointColorType.RGB; // any Potree.PointColorType.XXXX material.size = 1; material.pointSizeType = Potree.PointSizeType.ADAPTIVE; material.shape = Potree.PointShape.SQUARE; //ADD ANNOTATION ----->>>>>> viewer.scene.addAnnotation( new THREE.Vector3(67.671, -89.121, -64.219), {"title": "TEST ANNOTATION"}); viewer.fitToScreen(); }); viewer.scene.addAnnotation( new THREE.Vector3(67.671, -89.121, -64.219), {"title": "TEST ANNO"}); //viewer.scene.addAnnotation( new THREE.Vector3(73.264, -86.802, -76.854), {"title": "Ecke1215", // "actions": [{ // "icon": Potree.resourcePath + "/icons/goto.svg", // "onclick": function(){ // //viewer.setScene(sceneSG); // // } // }] // }); { let aTrees = new Potree.Annotation({ position: [73.264, -86.802, -76.854], title: "Ecke33", description: `Point cloud of a small section in Sorvilier, Switzerland.
Courtesy of sigeom.sa`, }); aTrees.domElement.off("mouseenter"); aTrees.domElement.off("mouseleave"); aTrees.addEventListener("click", () => { aTrees.setHighlighted(!aTrees.isHighlighted); }); viewer.scene.annotations.add(aTrees); } ################################################################################################################################ ADD MESH HEADER: var loader = new THREE.PLYLoader(); loader.load("models/stanford_bunny_reduced.ply", (geometry) => { geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // place three instances of this bunny into the scene let mesh1; { let material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(); mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); mesh1.position.set(67.671, -89.121, -64.219); mesh1.scale.multiplyScalar(10); mesh1.rotation.set(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 0) viewer.scene.scene.add(mesh1); } // Add entries to object list in sidebar viewer.onGUILoaded(() => { let tree = $(`#jstree_scene`); let parentNode = "other"; let bunny1ID = tree.jstree('create_node', parentNode, { "text": "Bunny 1", "icon": `icons/triangle.svg`, "data": mesh1 }, "last", false, false); tree.jstree(mesh1.visible ? "check_node" : "uncheck_node", bunny1ID); }); }); OR var loader = new THREE.PLYLoader(); loader.load("models/Bunker-1lapse-50m-SpeedManual-Pics2secs-A-GATE_ONLY_mesh.ply", (geometry) => { geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // place three instances of this bunny into the scene let mesh1; { let material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, specular: 0x111111, shininess: 200, vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors }) mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh1.position.set(0, 0, 0); mesh1.scale.multiplyScalar(1); //mesh1.rotation.set(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 0) viewer.scene.scene.add(mesh1); } viewer.onGUILoaded(() => { let tree = $(`#jstree_scene`); let parentNode = "other"; let bunkerID = tree.jstree('create_node', parentNode, { "text": "Bunker Surface Color", "icon": `icons/triangle.svg`, "data": mesh1 }, "last", false, false); tree.jstree(mesh1.visible ? "check_node" : "uncheck_node", bunkerID); }); }); var loader = new THREE.PLYLoader(); loader.load("models/Bunker-1lapse-50m-SpeedManual-Pics2secs-A-GATE_ONLY_mesh.ply", (geometry) => { geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // place three instances of this bunny into the scene let mesh1; { let material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(); mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh1.position.set(0, 0, 0); mesh1.scale.multiplyScalar(1); //mesh1.rotation.set(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 0) viewer.scene.scene.add(mesh1); } viewer.onGUILoaded(() => { let tree = $(`#jstree_scene`); let parentNode = "other"; let bunkerID = tree.jstree('create_node', parentNode, { "text": "Bunker Surface Normals", "icon": `icons/triangle.svg`, "data": mesh1 }, "last", false, false); tree.jstree(mesh1.visible ? "check_node" : "uncheck_node", bunkerID); }); }); NO SCALE AND ROT EXAMPLE var loader = new THREE.PLYLoader(); loader.load("scene_mesh_textured.ply", (geometry) => { geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // place three instances of this bunny into the scene let mesh1; { let material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(); mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); mesh1.position.set(0,0,0); mesh1.scale.multiplyScalar(1); //mesh1.rotation.set(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 0) viewer.scene.scene.add(mesh1); } }); ################################################################################################################################ ADD COORD AXIS axes = new THREE.AxisHelper( 100 ); viewer.scene.scene.add(axes ); ################################################################################################################################ COLOR GRADIENTS { // Annotation with action icons // Create title element with jquery let schemes = [{ name: "SPECTRAL", icon: `${Potree.resourcePath}/icons/gradients_spectral.png` }, { name: "YELLOW_GREEN", icon: `${Potree.resourcePath}/icons/gradients_yellow_green.png` }, { name: "PLASMA", icon: `${Potree.resourcePath}/icons/gradients_plasma.png` }, { name: "GRAYSCALE", icon: `${Potree.resourcePath}/icons/gradients_grayscale.png` }, { name: "RAINBOW", icon: `${Potree.resourcePath}/icons/gradients_rainbow.png` }, ]; let elTitle = $(`Gradient Schemes:`); for (let scheme of schemes) { let button = $(``); button.click(() => { for (let pointcloud of viewer.scene.pointclouds) { pointcloud.material.pointColorType = Potree.PointColorType.ELEVATION; pointcloud.material.gradient = Potree.Gradients[scheme.name]; } }); elTitle.append(button); } // Give the annotation a meaningful string representation for the sidebar elTitle.toString = () => "Gradient Color Selection"; // Same as with other annotations, except title is a jquery object this time. let aActions = new Potree.Annotation({ position: [0, 0, 0], title: elTitle, }); viewer.scene.annotations.add(aActions); } ################################################################################################################################ line 479 pointcloud.material.pointColorType = Potree.PointColorType.ELEVATION; pointcloud.material.gradient = Potree.Gradients["SPECTRAL"]; ################################################################################################################################ ADD Camera target and position to annotation 1)open potree viewer (html file in potree project) 2)move to desired camera pose 3)copy camera pose and target from scene->objects->camera->properties 4)if using potree/annotations/annotation.txt simply copy/paste cam pose and tgt accordingly 5)else let annotation = new Potree.Annotation({ position: curr_pos, cameraPosition: curr_cam_pos, cameraTarget: curr_cam_tgt, title: curr_title, description: curr_description, }); viewer.scene.annotations.add(annotation); ############################### move potree model to origin (https://github.com/potree/PotreeConverter/issues/74) put this into the point cloud loader ... Potree.loadPointCloud(... pointcloud.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().set( 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 )); pointcloud.moveToOrigin(); pointcloud.moveToGroundPlane();