The Robotics group started under Prof. Dr. Andreas Birk at the very beginning of academic activities at Constructor University in fall 2001. Much like the institution itself as a novel institution in the German university landscape, the robotics group is committed to excellence in research and education. The group is truly international with English as working language. Constructor Robotics is in the School of Computer Science and Engineering that offers the flagship BSc program Robotics and Intelligent Systems (RIS).
The research of the group focuses on Autonomous Systems. The expertise in this field ranges from the development of embedded hardware over mechatronics and sensors to high-level software. On the basic research side of autonomous systems, 3D perception and world-modeling as well as cooperation are core themes of robotics research at Constructor University. The systems developed here are used in various unstructured domains, including safety, security and rescue robots (SSRR), planetary exploration, logistics, and especially marine robotics which is the main application focus since several years now.
Constructor University was called Jacobs University until 2022 and International University Bremen (IUB) before 2007; you may hence find the names Jacobs Robotics or IUB Robotics for example in older publications on this website.