Labs and Robots


Jacobs University Rescue Arena

Jacobs University Robotics is equipped with special testing facilities for search and rescue robots. One testsite is the so-called basic rescue arena. This testbed consists of three different levels, the so-called yellow, red, and the orange zone. This approach is modeled after the test arena design from the American National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), which is based on data from real disasters and accidents. [more]


Robotics Prototyping Lab

The prototyping lab is equipped for the development of robots and robot components. It has several electronics workbenches, basic facilities for mechanical processing and assembly, as well as several PC workplaces for programming and experimenting with the robots. [more]



The so-called rugbot type of robot is the latest development of Jacobs University robotics. This robot type is a complete in-house development based on the so-called CubeSystem, a collection of hardware and software components for fast robot prototyping. Rugbots are tracked vehicles that are lightweight (about 35 kg) and have a small footprint (approximately 50 cm x 50 cm). They are very agile and fast on open terrain. An active flipper mechanism allows Rugbots to negotiate stairs and rubble piles. [more]


Lead Zeppelin

The “Lead Zeppelin” is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) developed by the Jacobs University Robotics Group and the Robotics Club in cooperation with ATLAS Elektronik. It is designed for basic research and education purposes. The “Lead Zeppelin” has already performed its first major test by participating at the Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge – Europe (SAUC-E) from the 3rd to the 7th of August, 2006. [more]


Papa Goose

The development of papa goose robot type started in 2001 with the very start of robotics activities at Jacobs University. From 2002 on, it was assisted by mother goose, a smaller tracked robot. The nicknames papa- and mother-goose are by the way derived from the fact that they are intended to cooperate with a set of small autonomous robots called the ducklings. The papa goose as well as the mother goose robots are meanwhile replaced by the rugbot design. [more]


Mother Goose

The development of mother goose started in 2002. It was designed to cooperate with papa goose type robots. Mother is tracked robot that is relatively small to allow for high mobility. It has nevertheless quite some on-board computation power and a full sensor payload. Like the papa goose design it is meanwhile replaced by the rugbot robots. [more]