Heiko Bülow


Heiko Bülow (PhD)

Postdoctoral Fellow
Electrical Eng. & Computer Science
Jacobs University Bremen
28759 Bremen, Germany

Phone, Fax, Email:

Phone Office (map) : +49-421-200.3516
Phone Lab (map) : +49-421-200.3609
Fax: +49-421-200.3103
Email: h.buelow@constructor.university
Also see locations of labs and offices.

Dr. Bülow received the diploma (FH) from the University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel and the M.Phil degree from the University of Glamorgan. Afterwards he gained 8 years industrial experience working in research and development of sonar signal processing. He received the PhD degree from Jacobs University Bremen. He worked on the EU-project Co3-AUVs and is currently working on the EU-project MORPH.
His research interests include multidimensional signal processing (in particular spectral registration and array processing), machine vision, pattern recognition and autonomous systems.


Diploma (FH): Filter Design Techniques for Video and Image Processing applications
M.Phil: Matching of 2D Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Image-layers within 3D Models
PhD: Applications of Spectral Phase Registrations in Robotic Mapping


  • Bülow H., Birk A., Spectral 6DOF Registration of Noisy 3D Range Data with Partial Overlap, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 35, no. 4, 2013
  • Bülow H., Birk A., Spectral Registration of Noisy Sonar Data for Underwater 3D Mapping, Autonomous Robots 30(3): 307-331, Springer 2011
  • Bülow H., Birk A., Spectral Registration of Volume Data for 6 Degrees of Freedom Spatial Transformations plus Scale, Proc. of the 2011 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Bülow H., Birk. A, Fast and Robust Photomapping with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) IEEE Press, 2009
  • Bülow H., Dooley L., Application of principal axes for registration of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance image sequences, Pattern Recognition Letters Elsevier Science, 21 (2000) 329-336
  • Bülow H., Birk A., Online Generation of an Underwater Photo Map with Improved Fourier Mellin based Registration, International OCEANS Conference, IEEE Press, 2009
  • Bülow H., Pfingsthorn M., Birk A, Using Robust Spectral Registration for Scan Matching of Sonar Range Data, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV 2010, Lecce, Italy
  • Bülow H., Sokolovski I., Pfingsthorn M., Birk A, Underwater Stereo Data Acquisition and 3D Registration with a Spectral Method, IEEE International OCEANS Conference, Bergen 2013
  • Bülow H., Birk A., Gesture Recognition as basis for a Human Robot Interface on an AUV, IEEE International OCEANS Conference, Hawai 2011
  • Pfingsthorn F, Pathak K, Bülow H, Birk A, Robust Estimation of Camera-Tilt for FMI based Photo- Mapping using a Calibrated Monocular Camera, Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Pfingsthorn F, Bülow H, Birk A, Uncertainty Estimation for a 6-DoF Spectral Registration method as basis for Sonar-based Underwater 3D SLAM,Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Birk A., Bülow H., Diver Detection by Motion-Segmentation and Shape-Analysis from a movingVehicle , IEEE International OCEANS Conference, Hawai 2011
  • Pfingsthorn F, Bülow H, Birk A, Ferreira F., Veruggio G., Caccia M., Bruzzone G., Large-Scale Mosaicking with Spectral Registration based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, IEEE International OCEANS Conference, Bergen 2013
  • Birk A., Wiggerich B., Bülow H., Pfingsthorn M., Aerial Mosaicking and Autonomous Flight at the 2009 European Land Robots Trials (ELROB) and the 2010 Response Robot Evaluation Exercises (RREE), Journal of Intelligent & Robotics Systems 2011
  • Bülow H, Birk A, Reconnaissance and Camp Security Missions with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at the 2009 European Land Robots Trials (ELROB), 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
  • Pfingsthorn F, Bülow H, Schwertfeger S., Pathak K., Maximum Likelihood Mapping with Spectral Image Registration, Proc. of the 2010 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Schwertfeger S, Bülow H, Birk A, Using FMI Spectral Registration for Video Stabilization and Motion Detection by an Unmanned Vehicle (UAV), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
  • Bülow H, Birk A, Feyzabadi S, Creating Photo Maps with an Aerial Vehicle in USARsim, RoboCup 2009: Robot WorldCup XIII, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer
  • Pfingsthorn F, Bülow H, Birk A, An Efficient Strategy for Data Exchange in Multi-Robot Mapping under Underwater Communication Constraints, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) IEEE Press, 2010
  • Schwertfeger S, Bülow H, Birk A, On the effects of Sampling Resolution in Improved Fourier Mellin based Registration for Underwater Mapping, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV 2010, Lecce, Italy
  • Birk, A., Vaskevicius, N., Pathak, K., Buelow,H., Intelligent Autonomous Functions for Planetary Exploration: 3D Perception and Modeling. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 2009
  • Bülow H., Birk A., Advances in Underwater Mapping and their. Application Potential for Safety, Security, and. Rescue Robotics, 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics
  • Höwing, F., Bülow, H. und Wermser, D., Dooley, L.S., Thoma, W.: Analyse von Knochenbewegungen in Folgen von MRT Aufnahmen. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Heidelberg, März 1999
  • Höwing, F., Bülow, H. und Wermser, D., Dooley, L.S., Thoma, W. :Automatic Motion Analysis of Bones from MR Sequences. IPA99, Manchester, Juli 1999
  • Thoma, W., Götz, M., Fürst, C.-H., Höwing, F., Bülow, H. and Wermser, D.: MRT Bilderkennungssystem zur automatischen Analyse komplexer Knochenbewegungen. Scientific video. Deutscher Orthopädenkongress, Wiesbaden, Germany, September 1998


  • Verfahren zum Detektieren von Luftverbrachten Unterwasserlaufkoerpern, Patent Nr. 03011292.4-, Bülow H., Wicker K., Neumeister D.